Sunday, April 7, 2013

Gloomy Sunday

Isn't that just weird? Sunday is supposed to be a SUN DAY and it's cloudy. I feel like too lazy to do anything, including posting something. But I need a place where I can tell my feeling and I bet no one is going to see this post either so it's safe hahah I guess.

I realized that true love exist. Like for example my grandparents. They're old, 80s and 70s something. They've been married for 44 years. That's almost a half of century. I know love sticks them. I never seen them fighting like my parents, and I just kinda curious why they're not like my parents. Probably, they've been together for too long and they just kinda lazy for a fight. HAHAHA,jk.

My parents don't fight often. But when they do, I just lay in my bed, cuddling, and trying to sleep to forget all of the madness. I'm afraid of my sister. She's only 11. I don't think she could handle and be strong. She's weaker than I am. I know it. She can't be as strong as me. That's what I'm afraid of.

This time, I really need a rest time from love thing. I like someone, but we're way different. But, differences makes perfect right?

And I realized.

My grandparents don't fight because they have much differences. My grandmother is a talkative person and my grandfather is a quiet person. I mean, my grandpa talks, but he usually talks about past life. They have a huge differences.

And my parents are similar. They both smart. One is cunning and also the other one. One is selfish and one is too. I think, similarity is boring.

Shouldn't we have differences? I mean, people are different. If all of people is just like Taylor Swift or Taylor Lautner, world would be so boring! We are different. Like Taylor Swift, the curls, the amazing voice, the attitude. And Lautner, the muscles, the packs, the face. We would never seen anyone who  looks exactly like them. And IF someone do a plastic surgery, they still don't similar. DNA, bacterias, character, would never be the same! GOD makes every one is different.


NB: so, me and my crush are different, so we can be together right.


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Think Positively!

Sekarang hari rabu, artinya in the middle of the week. I heard from someone, katanya sih hari yang paling bikin bete dan istilahnya bad day banget tuh hari rabu. I had bad experiences that happened on Wednesday. Dan those experiences itu tetap menghantui gue selama bulan-bulan terakhir di sekolaah :( *ceritanya sedih*

Rabu ini sebenernya gak gimana-gimana. Berubung kata orang setiap hari itu unik, jadi gue flashback dulu sepanjang hari ini, dari jam 5.30 pagi gue bangun sampe jam 5.00 sore sekarang.

Tadi pagi gue sarapan yang biasa, roti. Mandi cepet-cepet, terus berangkat buru-buru jam setengah tujuh kurang. Sampe disekolah, untungnya belom jam setengah tujuh jadi gue gak telat. Terus apa lagi ya? Gue mikir kayanya hari ini terlalu flat...

Gue baru sadar apa yang terjadi hari ini, yang membuatnya unik. Pagi tadi gue mimpi absurd banget sampe bangun-bangunnya gue senyam-senyum, terus ngelanjutin mimpi gue yang absurd dengan khayalan. Dan gue sadar, kemarin2 gak pernah gue bangun-bangun senyum. Terus gue merasa ada firasat baik kalo hari ini gak akan sesial hari rabu yang kemarin, jadilah sepanjang pagi gue tersenyum...

Dulu gue berasumsi kalo pagi-pagi gue nangis atau ngambek, pasti siangnya sial. Eh bener. Dan pemikiran gue ini selalu membuat sial. Kesialan gue berlanjut, jadi seharian gue ngambek dan menduuung banget mukanya.

Kalo dipikir-pikir, ada hikmahnya juga sih. Kalo dari pagi gue mikir 'Ah, palingan hari ini sial' atau komen negatif lainnya, walaupun dalam hati doang, gue akan sial. Tapi, kalo gue senyum atau berpikir positively, gue akan merasa senang sampai gue tidur malam harinya, walaupun sebenernya kegiatan gue hari itu biasa aja. Kegiatan apapun, seberat apapun, sebosen apapun, kalo dikerjain dengan hati yang senang dan mood lagi bagus, pasti kegiatan itu terasa menyenangkan dan gak ngebosenin.

So, tomorrow I'll start a new day. I'll start it with a smile and think positively! -s-